
Top 10 Anticipated Games in 2011

Xbox 360, PS3, PSP and PC Games, I know it’s obviously everyone's favorite. The excitement of killing the opponent and smashing the things, is always a favorite job to do.

This post is about show you the most anticipated games in 2011....

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3- (infinity Ward)
call of duty modern warfare 3 Top 10 Most Anticipated Games in 2011
This game is coming this November and will be a smashing hit no doubt. The developers INFINITY WARD made it compatible with both Xbox 360 and PC.
Elder Scrolls V – Skyrim : (Bethesda Studios) – Latest Entry
elder scrolls skyrim Top 10 Most Anticipated Games in 2011
This game will be released in November, 2011 and quite a fantasy game. You need to have a 4 GB RAM and 10 GB hard disk in your Dual-core 2.5 GHz PC and it is also compatible with Xbox 360.
Doom 4: (iD Software)
Doom 4 Top 10 Most Anticipated Games in 2011
This Texas based game studio id software is producing this game compatible with PS3 and X360 and the release date is not yet confirmed yet, but will be here soon!
Diablo 3: (Blizzard)
Diablo 3 Top 10 Most Anticipated Games in 2011
Diablo 3 will be released this year I guess in the late quarter of this year, because on blizzard’s website they said that they are going to take enough time to make this game compatible with both Mac and PC with 7 different languages.
Max Payne 3: (Rockstar Games)
max payne 3 Top 10 Most Anticipated Games in 2011
This game is coming soon on Xbox 360, PC and PS3, Rockstar games is going fast. The release date is expected to be around 30 November this year.
Crysis 2: (Crytek)
crysis 2 Top 10 Most Anticipated Games in 2011
This game will be released on 22 March this year and is compatible on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC. Crytek is doing a great work.
Deus Ex 3: Human Revolution (Eido Montreal)
deus ex 3 human revolution Top 10 Most Anticipated Games in 2011
Eido Montreal is releasing this game in this April, 2011. This game is compatible on PS 3 and Xbox 360
Guild Wars 2: (ArenaNet)
guild wars 2 Top 10 Most Anticipated Games in 2011
ArenaNet is releasing this game in November 2nd, 2011 this year and this one is compatible exclusively on PC.
Rage: (iD Software)
rage game Top 10 Most Anticipated Games in 2011
iD Software is going to release Rage on Tuesday 13th September, 2011. This will be compatible on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC as well.
Gears of War 3: (Epic Games)
Gears of War 3 Top 10 Most Anticipated Games in 2011
Epic Games is releasing this game on 5th April, 2011! This will be available for all PS3, wii, Xbox 360, PC and PSP.